Article Published in New Indian Express
Feb 15 2014
and emperors from ancient times have sealed agreements at the end of wars and
concluded treaties for restoring peace, for acceding and annexing territories
and for trade with each other. Customs have also dictated how emissaries have
to be treated, wars fought and peace negotiated at the end of wars. Earliest
record is of a treaty drawn up and sealed in 1283 B.C between
the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittite King after a bitter battle.
Romans and Greek kingdoms also signed numerous treaties, most of them at the
end of battles, as did the European monarchs in later times. The progression of
international treaties in modern times has its beginnings in the 1864 Geneva Convention
which dealt with the treatment of wounded soldiers during war, and this was
signed by major kingdoms in Europe in the background of extensive political and
military upheavals. Placing checks on the brutality of war, the four Geneva
Conventions and the Additional Protocols thereof, sought to regulate armed
conflict and limit its excesses as well as protect innocent persons not
fighting or caught in the aftermath.
Today all major concerns that impact every
aspect of human life as well as those that govern State practice are the subject
of international conventions. International conventions have also been initiated
by countries when specific needs have risen to regulate State behaviour in
matters of global concerns. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
which deals with all aspects of the use of the sea, the oceans and the deep
seabed is one such international treaty. It divides the waters of the world into
specific zones and delineates and limits the use in a manner which will benefit
all mankind. Similarly, the ten core
international conventions and protocols dealing with human rights which were
signed and ratified by countries between the periods 1965-2006 addressed
specific concerns ranging from torture
and forms of discriminations to civil and political rights, rights of women and
children , rights of migrant workers and rights of persons with disabilities. Conventions therefore
govern and protect national and international interests over land, sea, high
seas, air and outer space. There are several international treaties that have been
concluded that deal with criminal acts by both states and non state actors like
the unlawful seizure of protected persons, or of aircraft and ships. There are
also several international instruments that deal with nuclear safety and
nuclear liability, with proper and sustainable use of resources and protection of
the environment. It is apparent that the
purpose of most of the Conventions is to secure the kind of world envisaged in
the Preamble of the United Nations Charter i.e. to ensure the dignity of the individual and
international peace and security. However, sixty eight years thence, various forms
of discriminations against people for diverse reasons and behaviour contrary to these principles continue
by many nations. Nations justify their reluctance to be parties to an
international treaties on several grounds most of which arise from the notion
of sovereignty and their unwillingness
to limit their authority to global consensus by enacting national laws in accordance with obligations created
by international instruments i.e. global
control over domestic policy.
The United States, despite its well-articulated
stance of honouring global commitments has proved to be the foremost defaulter
in ratifying international treaties. Although it has initiated
several conventions and signed some of them, it has failed to ratify several
important and significant conventions.
For example, the most compelling and speedily ratified treaty in human history
is the Convention on the Rights of the Child which secures to all children
civil, social, political, economic, health and cultural right. Although signed by the US in 1995 it has not yet
been ratified by it. The only other country not to do so is Somalia; an associate
in action that the United States would not be proud of. The argument placed by
the US for non-ratification is that it would undermine the rights of the parents.
It also views it as UN interference in the raising of children. This is
significant because a number of states in the US still permit corporal
punishment in schools and homes. Furthermore, the resistance to ratification
also stems from the fact that ratification of the treaty would interfere with
the parent’s choices in religious and sex education. Similarly, the United States
signed the CEDAW (Convention Against Discrimination Against Women) in 1980; it
has not ratified it along with countries like Iran and Somalia. Similarly other
nations that wield great influence in geo politics have often chosen not to
become parties to several important conventions. China has not signed or
ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and several
other instruments relating to human rights. While the US has been vociferous in backing a
Resolution in the UN Human Rights Council on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka,
it holds a dismal record of human rights violations in the actions taken by it
in its war against terror.
has been a major adherent of innumerable international instruments, signing and
ratifying almost all the major international treaties. Several Indian laws have
been enacted in accordance with the international obligations. However, India has strongly opposed the
setting up of the International Criminal Court (ICC). It abstained in the vote
for the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998 and under which the ICC is set up
on several grounds. The arguments for
refusal to sign and ratify include the definition of crimes against humanity in
the Statute and the inclusion of non-international conflicts in the category of
war crimes. These inclusions would lead to all internal disputes in India
becoming subject to the ICC and would be a flagrant interference in the domestic
policy of the country. Besides the well-structured and robust judiciary under
the democratic system in India, it is argued, is well equipped to deal with
violations of rights of the individual.
conventions are based on customary practices followed by nations since the
formation of nation states. They are the reflections of the aspirations of the
world community to create global consensus about matters that affect all. It is
rather disquieting to observe that many of the global disputes and confrontations
are the result of nations not accepting the norms of international law With
influential global powers shirking the responsibility of strengthening
international conventions, issues and disputes are left to unilateral interpretation
impelling further conflicts. Without the template of an instrument to guide the
interpretation, the stronger nation will enforce its will on other weaker
nations. Far more worrisome is the fact
that nations that wield great influence in geo politics often choose not become
parties to important conventions and operate outside global indicators. The
recent trend of the US to create a series of multi-lateral treaties called “initiatives” is a bad precedent .These
initiatives allow the US not only to
draw benefits from existing international norms but also absolve it of both
responsibilities and obligations under specific international conventions. If
other nations adopt similar “initiatives” to serve personal objectives, it will
lead to the displacement of the norms of international law. Instead, all major
powers should reinforce their commitment to global peace and security by
supporting international conventions through the process of ratification.
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