Time to Reinforce Sovereignty
Dr Geeta
Published in The New Indian Express
Thursday 27 March 2015
Ever since the term global village became
fashionable and the idea of a shrinking world became universally accepted as a
positive move, the concept of sovereignty has been considered as outdated and archaic.
Subsequent to the two devastating World Wars
the United Nations Organization
was established to uphold the
common goals of humanity and to
ensure that all nations would act in the best interest of all mankind and have
common purposes in matters affecting global issues .Therefore ,those who
considered the element of sovereignty as
essential for the creation ,existence and identification of nations were often questioned for upholding
the theory and criticized for being antiquated in a world that was
promoting and celebrating multilateralism.
Nations which had thus far acted
independently for their self-gain seemed to agree to act in concerted moves to
promote multilateralism.
Following the two devastating World Wars,
nations sought to come together to build a safe world ensuring peace and security for all mankind. The
outcome of this excitement was that countries and their leaders began to
believe that for the general wellbeing of all people , nations should no longer
think solely in terms of national issues and that global concerns should be
paramount in framing national policies. Elated analysts regarded these actions
as the end of the narrow reading of the principle of sovereignty as recognized
by international law. The world, it
seemed, had moved beyond national self- interest and finally recognized inter- dependence for existence, even when
these other countries lay beyond their regions and were not in geographical
proximity to each other.
.The concept of sovereignty, however, is the
essence of the existence of nations. Sovereignty is the ultimate power,
authority and jurisdiction of the ruling entity over a territory and its
people. The ruling authority may be created or may exist in diverse forms as
monarchy, autocracy, democracy or any other form. A sovereign authority is
recognized as the power which can
administer its own territory and create laws without external influence subject
to equity and justice and with regard to
the established principles of international law. In that sense, it means that no foreign power
has any authority within the territorial limits of a country or upon its
citizens within that territory. It is based on the simple theory that
nations have a right to rule their
territory and a duty to protect their territorial integrity and ensure the
safety and security their citizens
and within that reasonable power, can do all such actions as required to ensure
it. Along with these powers international law placed upon nations the responsibility to
ensure that no such actions take place within their territory that cause damage
to others. The power is further restricted by those principles that recognize
and govern those areas regarded as “common heritage of all mankind” e.g. the
high seas.
The backlash for the erosion of the
unassailable doctrine of sovereignty is evident now, though many still do not
accept the absolute need to maintain the principle in international relations. It is impossible to reject the
need to restrict the immunity of the State authorities in all actions, especially
in issues that deal directly with basic civil, political and human rights.
However, the interference of strong global powers in the guise of supporting
self determination and freedom in the internal affairs of less strong and
strife-torn nations can hardly be accepted as acting for global good. The
unilateralism of the two super powers with least regard to the cultural ,
ethnic and religious diversity of the nations facing internal strife and
conflict has led to the situation the world is in today. While countries tried
to grapple with extremism and violence political, ethnic or religious; the
operations conducted by these powers have exacerbated the conflicts as is
apparent around the world today. Although the operations have been termed as
humanitarian interventions and securing freedom for those suffering under
repressing regimes and have also been explained
as curtailing impunity of the state, it is rather clear that these actions have invariably resulted in a vacuum into which non state actors like
terrorist and extremists have comfortably settled in. Afghanistan, Iraq ,
Ukraine are countries that are
disarray and while the world has tired
itself out with their problems , for the people
of these countries the terrible sense of hopelessness persist albeit in
another form. Therefore, relegating the
principles of national sovereignty to multilateralism and consigning it to
textbooks of international law has proved to be a threat to the existence of
less powerful and smaller nations. Global strategies have shown that the autonomy
assured to every country under the principle of territorial sovereignty have
been consistently eroded by hegemonic powers.
These powers have over a period of time used the diluted sovereignty concept
to serve selfish interests. Therefore, it has been made easier for the US,
Russia and others to act either unilaterally (or with allies cobbled together)
to justify their incursion into the territory of other nations.
countries have also used the whittling down of the principle of sovereignty to
extend their influence and increase their hold on global economics and trade to
benefit themselves and their allies. They did this by the creation of
international institutions that had at their inception apparent laudable
principles but in reality were skewed in favour of the technologically advanced
and economically strong nations. Thus emerged world financial institutions and
global trade organizations that have ensured markets for the advanced nations but
have left the newly emerging economies of Asia and the resourcefully rich but
ravaged post colonial African countries in a defensive economic position. With
state sovereignty on the wane and the ability to create regulations within its
territory curtailed by global economic issues, it would seem that multinational corporations have emerged as
the new policy makers. In the new era
global strategies policies and foreign relations of nations are, therefore,
driven not by sovereign authorities acting in national interests but by trade
linked priorities of major state-owned or private corporations.
Every country has not only an interest in the
use of all natural resources but also has an obligation in its rightful exploitation
.Environmental concerns and ecological interdependency are real but the manner
in which nation chooses to deal with the
resources within its territory cannot be dictated by other powers . International law in its general principles and
various cases brought by nations before the International Court of Justice
(ICJ) has reiterated that no nation can
allow such action takes place within their territory that causes damage to
others. The power is further restricted by those principles that recognize and
govern those areas regarded as “common heritage of all mankind” e.g. the high
seas and outer space. Most nations are parties to agreements that ensure
sustainability of the environment and even non-signatories are bound by
obligations under international law.
Sovereignty, the ability of nations to rule
themselves should be reinforced. To
resolve several of the issues that concern nations today dealing with problems
of internal strife and conflicts or with failing economies, these countries should be allowed to act with autonomy
restricted only by obligations recognized by international law ; and not by the imposition by other countries
of what they deem as good for that country.
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